Our American ACT Program

American Academy Jordan > Our American ACT Program

American Pattern ACT/HSD Program

We are also very grateful to have the ability to teach one of the strongest qualifications here at AAJ known to be as the American College Test . Our other end of teachers are experts in teaching the ACT syllabus in a smooth straightforward strategy. From the 2 options that our students are open to, they can choose the subjects to be assessed on. As we aim to use all the resources and energy to educate our ACT students to earn high marks from school exams and from their ACT exam, this will allow them to have a higher chance of being accepted into selective colleges which is determined by their grades, the higher the better. 

Only 8 Subjects Offered

Mathematics 1 and 2

At AAJ, teachers follow up on updates on important topics to attain perfect scores. As our ACT Maths teachers focus on key section such as on pre-algebra (up to 25 percent of the test), elementary algebra (up to 20 percent), intermediate algebra (up to 20 percent), coordinate geometry (up to 20 percent), plane geometry (up to 25 percent), and trigonometry (up to 10 percent) as this test evaluates your ability to solve mathematical problems by using reasoning, problem-solving insight, logic, and the application of basic and advanced skills you learned in high school. The exam duration is set to be 60 minutes for 60 questions.


The science subjects that are taken by the students are Biology, Physics and Chemistry as they really help our students to grow into a bright, intelligent person. As the science section measures AAJ student’s interpretation, analysis, evaluation, reasoning, and problem-solving skills required in the natural sciences. Exam duration is set to be 35 minutes for 40 questions.



why choose our american program

English 1 and 2

Known to be one of the important subjects here at AAJ, it examines our students ability to read and write English competently. This will also enhance their creativity as the exam will consist of passages that students have to work on by reading and analyzing efficiently and give them ideas on how to think and imagine scenes. The questions of the exam will use a diverse collection of authentic, high-quality texts, including drama, fiction, nonfiction, and poetry texts, as well as film scripts. The exam duration is set to be 45 minutes for 75 questions.

U.S. History

History is the knowledge of and study of the past. It is the story of the past and a form of collective memory. History is the story of who we are, where we come from, and can potentially reveal where we are headed, this is why it is one of the most important subjects from all the subjects taught whichever curriculum it is taught from. For the History ACT exam, the test questions ask students to show knowledge and insight into the forging of the new nation, the sectional conflicts that nearly tore it apart, and the Civil War and Reconstruction.

Learn More About Our ACT Program

In this video our teachers at AAJ talk more about the American pattern ACT program to give you a better idea of what the program consists of and the benefits it holds.   


Why Choose The American Program?

Allows your child to be admitted to a lot of global colleges as they recognize the ACT program and trusts the curriculum as it is an up to standards program that meets every requirement in most if not all colleges around the world. 

  • Recognition From Top Global Colleges
  • A Great Asset For Your Employment.
  • Wide Range of Scholarships For High ACT Grades