Word From Founder

American Academy Jordan > Word From Founder
Nabil founder

Nabil Alfar

CEO and Founder of American Academy Jordan

A Special Warm Welcome

The doors of the American Academy Jordan are open and the children are thriving.  Our gratitude is endless for the pioneering parents who selected our school and have full faith in our teachers, to begin the journey of their child becoming future leaders and be one of those who make successful decisions in their life.

While we are dedicated to the teaching and learning of every moment during the school day, we are equally dedicated to strategically thinking about the next one, five, ten years of the American Academy Jordan.  Our goal is to always engage in the present for our current children and the future for our children to come.

We invite all interested parents, community members, educators to become part of our story. Please take some time to read through our website, we believe you will like what you read when it comes to our curriculum, pedagogy and language acquisition, school calendar, and nurturing young children to take on the importance and value of being a compassionate, caring human in a complicated world.

Here’s to building a beautiful school together…