FAQ’s and Accreditation

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some of the frequently asked questions that are asked by most of the parents and we are here to answer you on some of them

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the IGCSE/IAL and ACT/AHSD certificate approved by the Ministry of Education ?

The British IGCSE / IAL and the American ACT (previously SAT) examinations are recognized by the Ministry of Education of Jordan and has the approval to conduct examinations in Jordan as it is equivalent to the Tawjihi certificate  

Can my child enter "Tanafus" (Competitive) in Jordanian Universities ?

Your child’s certificate is recognized by the Ministry of Education and will be handed a Tawjihi equivalency certificate upon completion of the British / American program requirements that allows them to study in Jordan in major universities as Tanafus (Competitive) just like the national Tawjihi students  

Why should my child register in the British / American program ?

The IGCSE / IAL and ACT’s are known to be the strongest curriculum in the world right now (mostly the British program) as they provide your child with a curriculum that ensures they are ready for university as most of their subjects are 1st and 2nd year university material. Their certificates give you a higher chance for your child to study outside in USA, UK, Canada and more as they recognize their certificates as your child would be a holder of it 

What is the difference between the British IGCSE and American ACT programs ?

Due to the Ministry of Education’s regulations, the British pattern IGCSE/IAL program contains of 8 subjects in total for the Jordanian Tawjihi equivalency that the student must complete in order to graduate auspiciously. It is divided into 6 O-Levels and 2 Advanced Levels which the student can split the subjects into 3 years to complete in the following sessions of January/February, May/June and October/November respective to qualification level 

Whereas the American pattern ACT program contains 6 total subjects that the student is examined in which also 25% from their grades rely on their school grades added to their total ACT score. The program is divided into 8 exam sessions per year where the student can take their exam in and can be split into 3 years to allow students to be examined calmly. The session months available are in September, October, December, February, April, June and July  

What is the process of taking the exams

Students taking the British / American program sit their exams in the American Academy with special made rooms to conduct exams with the presence of invigilators from the British Council. Students are given the chance to retake their exams 7 times in one year. In order to allow students to not be anxious they are allowed to split their exams into 3 consecutive years from Year 10 to Year 11 until Year 12 and can take it privately later once graduated. Finally, students are allowed to appeal on their exam paper in order to return it to the exam board for them to recheck their grade in case of mismarking 

Still Have Questions ?

We are here to assist you in answering any enquiry from Sunday – Thursday from 8am till 3pm 

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We care deeply about achieving the excellent and outstanding accreditations from international known organizations across the globe to ensure the school is up to date with the curriculums and to ensure parents and students that they are in safe hands for their child’s future