Early Years



The kindergarten at AAJ is the home to our youngest scholars who are destined for greatness. Proud to be called home from our children at AAJ as we provide them with beyond top quality classrooms that allows the kids to enjoy their time learning and they are made to be within the teachers eyesight in order to ensure the child’s safety in the classroom. As in kindergarten, we prepare our students to become future leaders using the Montessori method of learning which has shown significant changes in the students educational performance. 

Visit school KG

Visit School

We have our doors open to all parents to visit the school.

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School meals chef 2

School Meals

All students can enjoy their breakfast at school.

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All about how your children can get to school.

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Mrs Bayan AlShishany

A Message From
Our Head of Kindergarten

Dear Parents,

On behalf of the Board of Directors and the entire staff, I welcome you to The Preschool Place & Kindergarten, our outstanding school located in Zarqa city. We are very happy to have you as part of our school family where we will work together for the benefit of your children. Our mission is to provide each child with a positive school experience while promoting their social, emotional, physical and cognitive development. The early years are learning years, and at The Preschool Place and Kindergarten your children will grow to their fullest potential.

Top Rated Kindergarten in Zarqa

Currently rated as the best kindergarten in Zarqa city as we use exceptional teaching methods to deliver the idea constructively.

Montessori Learning Style

We use the Montessori Learning Method that is based on self-directed activity, hands-on learning and collaborative play. In the students classrooms, the children will make their creative choices in their learning, as our teachers use their expertise to offer activities that are appropriate to their ages. 

Modernized Classrooms

Our kindergarten classrooms are always updated to the best standards from either technology, tables and chairs, the decorations and accessibility, to give the children an outstanding experience in their early years of becoming leaders in the future.

Every Thursday Activities, Events

More than just learning

See more of our students in their classroom learning and enjoying their time through the gallery

In kindergarten we aim to provide the finest environment in order to let our students feel like they are at home. We prepare activities for our children to take part in every Thursday such as Swim Day, Horse riding day, Animal care day and more ! 

Ending the week with fun

A New Activity Every Thursday

Our activities are a way to give our children a different view of life other than just studying through having fun. That’s why we enroll our students in activities such as Swim day, Horse riding day, Olive day, Animal care day, Cooking day which they will have fun at and learn new things at the same time.