AAJ Adds A New Science Facility

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Science Primary

In July 2019 the DfE, DCMS and DHSC published the School Sport and Activity Action Plan (the Action Plan). This Action Plan was a joint commitment to ongoing collaboration at national level to ensure that sport and physical activity are an integral part of both the school day and after-school activities. Opening School Facilities phase 2 programme supports this commitment and Active Lancashire are responsible for the delivery of this programme across Lancashire.

Active Lancashire’s role is to provide support and investment to schools to help deliver after school provision to help young people reconnect, recover and return to play. Particularly focusing on those schools with a high percentage of pupils on FSM, pupil premium or in areas of deprivation where locally activity levels amongst children and young people are typically low. We will also look to support schools to help open or reopen their facilities to the local community, as local evidence suggests that schools are community hubs where people feel safe.

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