International Education

Experience Education Differently

We believe that international education is the only education that builds students personalities in a preferable and attractive way. As the world of international education is a melting pot of individuals and learning with a global perspective which ensures students are exposed to different culturesreligions, ethnic groups and languages, enriching society in the process and broadening the academic experience for everyone here at AAJ.


International Education has shown improvements in


Learning and accepting cultures 


Becoming more confident 


Accepting religions and learning about them 


The desire to learn more languages 

In Depth of The International Education Benefits

- The will to learn more about cultures

Due to the cultural diversity present in American Academy Jordan, our students were able to meet each other and accept each other whether they were in Kindergarten, Primary or Secondary level. The ability for students to accept each other and work together forms a positive, efficient mindset that will help them in their future when they work in Jordan or even abroad.   

- Rise In Confidence Level

International education consists of competitions and events that build the students to become leaders some day and students are prepared through presentations and debates set by us at AAJ to enhance the personality of our students to become extroverts and easily sociable. These preparations will improve qualities that will give our students an attractive personality that is ready to take on any challenge set by the world. 

Choose AAJ

- One world, one community

The presence of more than one religion at AAJ has allowed the students to accept each other as nothing differentiates them as we all belong to the same species. As students have had the ability to know more about other students lives and how they persevere in life. 

- The Yearn For Learning New Languages

More nationalities come to AAJ every year and the more nationalities being present the more students are willing to learn about that specific language. As international education connects you with the world as it is consists of the top and most enrolled in curriculum in the world, it makes our students eager to learn a language as it may be influenced by their colleagues in school or colleagues studying the same curriculum around the globe.