Future Students

American Academy Jordan > Future Students

A Warm Welcome To Our Future Students

We would like to extend a warm welcome to our future students who will hopefully be joining us into becoming the future leaders with the guidance of the American Academy Jordan. The American Academy Jordan is a private, co-educational school that welcomes students from the age of 3-18 which is divided into Pre-Kindergarten, KG1, KG2 until KG3 which consists of Primary and Secondary school 

AAJ is on a mission to broaden the leaders by taking in students and preparing them fully using the premium resources and the strongest curriculums to allow them to become future leaders with the help of our staff and our faculty expertise who are ready to dedicate their whole time to building the students path to success by their side.  

What Makes AAJ Special ?

The ability to receive education and mentorship from our experts is one of the factors that is maintaining and improving the AAJ’s reputation in Zarqa and known to be the best environment built for a student’s school life and we are proud to have that title and are insistent on accomplishing our mission and vision to give Zarqa an experience they have been waiting for a long time and more.

American Academy Jordan 

Sa’ed Bin Oubadah Street, Al Batrawi
Zarqa, Jordan


Sun – Thu
8:00A.M. – 3:00P.M.

Social Info

Apply to AAJ

Don't stop your hobby

We Care About You

We care about everything you care about, if you have a hobby that you stopped playing or doing because of the unavailability then we are here for you to provide you with everything you need to keep doing what you love to do.

Continuous Improvement

Always Exploring For Ways To Improve

We are always on the lookout to improve our facilities and our faculty to become suitable for the student’s needs we are in direct communication with the quality assurance team to ensure that the student is receiving the proper treatment from the educational side, the extracurricular activity side and most importantly their health and safety

International Students

More Than One Nationality

Our multinational students have come from all around the world to unite in one place in the American Academy Jordan where they move together, learn together and help one another in reaching their goals. This has led to learning about different cultures, enhancing the student’s confidence to meet new people and building a long lasting friendship. Multinational students allow for a better environment to raise the idea that we are one and nothing can differentiate us.

Our Alumni Are Studying Abroad !

AAJ’s coordinator and university advisor team are always on the lookout of scholarships and university admissions in and outside of Jordan to allow our students to reach the stars and get ready to transition from a great school to a great university to later become future leaders as part of AAJ’s mission and vision. 

Worldwide Universities

Enrolled In Top Rated Universities


Our Alumni receive recommendation from our expert faculty to boost their chances outside


The competitiveness of our programs gave them scholarship opportunities

In Contact

We are always in direct contact to check on their updates

Your education is your best investment, trust your choice in AAJ to be your future guide.

nabil looking through microscope