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About AAJ


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Our History

American Academy Jordan which previously known to be as “Al-Bany International School” in 2012 the year it was founded by Mr Nabil. This was the beginning of the birth of the new first international school in Zarqa city


aaj being built
aaj lions are unstoppable

Our Mission

American Academy Jordan is raising a new generation of leaders with international mindedness, to be ambassadors to the world with excellence in wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Our students are explorers, adventurers, lifelong learners, with strong character and moral integrity. We act with determination, creative and analytical problem-solving, serving the community, being established in our given abilities, with love and respect across nationalities, ethnicities, religions, gender, with equality, seeking to esteem others higher than ourselves.

A Wide Vision

Our Vision

At American Academy Jordan, we believe teachers transform the lives of students, families and community. Through holistic education, we take joy in raising a new generation with wisdom, knowledge and understanding.

The Beginning

The story of American Academy Jordan begins with a strong foundation through the visionary Nabil Al Far. Well-known throughout the field of education in Amman, Nabil began his career teaching IB and IGCSE physics. Having taught many award-winning students in physics examinations worldwide, Nabil was highly sought after to teach at many top-tier private schools including: Montessori, Baccalaureate, and Choueifat.


Over time, Nabil gained experience teaching among numerous social and economical educational institutes. He recognized a thriving education in Amman. However, something was missing from his hometown-Zarqa. Herein Nabil was stirred to start a new first-class international school and new education for the benefit of Zarqa. AAJ is dedicated to raising students to a higher level of education on an international level with leadership and virtue.

AAJ students ask questions like, “How can we serve our home, our neighbors, our city, our country? How can we make a difference in this world?” With great support from inside and outside the education industry, Nabil began building a concept school in Zarqa—American Academy Jordan.

the story
AAJ in the year of 2012

The Journey

After two years of development, key well-known Jordan residents came alongside Nabil to become partners with the school. These partners have helped boost the school into the best school in the whole city of Zarqa and rise fast to be one of the top-level schools in Amman, competing internationally.

Since 2011, the school has quickly developed into the first and only international school in Zarqa. AAJ’s student body has now grown beyond expectation. From a high standard of academics, to AAJ’s after school barbecues and community social campaigns, AAJ’s scholastic family of students, teachers, families, and workers desire to serve Zarqa, and to bless the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

The Present

Today, Nabil is working with an esteemed group of partners to continue the vision following the concept school in Zarqa. AAJ is focusing on cities outside Amman with children who would benefit from a chance to participate in the advancement and success of Jordan. AAJ students are encouraged to love one’s city, one’s country, and to actively engage the international community.

Our Core Values


“Love and respect one another.” Love selflessly protects, trusts, hopes and perseveres. 


“Be a finisher.” Perseverance is not giving up when the going gets tough.


“Serve one another.” Serving others brings refreshment and joy.

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